Introduction to java
Java importance and its applications
Evolution of Java
History of Java
Java editors, coding conventions, Datatypes, Keywords,
Java tools
Object oriented programming concepts & Basic programs
General programming ways in java
Basic programs to show how inputs can be provided to
program using various classes like BufferedReader
scanner, Datainputstream and through command line
Class and Object, Access specifiers scope
Constructor, parameterized methods, overloadings,
Array object , static cocnept and inheritences etc.
Java user defined packages
Creating packages
Importing packages in programs
Data abstraction
Interface concept,
Interface creation and utilazation
Abstract class concept and usage
String manipulation
String class
String class methods usage
StringBuilder class
String Builder methods class usage
Exception handling
mportance of exception concept
Exception concept in main and in class
Usage of try and catch block
Usage of throw and throws keywords,
usage of finally keyword
Creation of user defined exception and
its usage and advantages
Abstract window toolkite
Creating interface using various
components like Label, TextField, Button, List , Choice, Checkbox etc.
Handling events and performing
Util package
Usage of various classes available in util
package like vector, stack, random, string
tokenizer, date , hashset , hashmap,
hashtable etc.
File handling
Writing and reading data using file
concept in java
Searching in a file
Thread concept and its usage
Using various methods like sleep, join, yield,
setpriority, suspend, resume etc.
Introduction to Applet concept
Creating applet programs and running
using appletviewer and HTML program
Simple Applet programs
Creating GUI in Applet
Using threads in applet
Advance Java
Designing Graphical user interface using
components like JLabel, JTextField,
JCheckbox, JRadiobutton etc.
Handling operations based on events
Usage of layouts like Border layout, null
layout, gridlayout etc.
Usage of advance swing components like
jscrollpane, jtable etc.
Menu program
Usage of thin driver to access data from oracle using java
Designing Graphical user interface to use oracle data
Usage of statement class
Usage of Preparedstatment class
Usage of Callable statement class
RMI ( Remote method Invocation )
Understanding requirements for developing distributed
Accessing remote objects
Types of protocals
Networking Concept and its importance in applications
Client server technology based program
Java Server Pages
Hypertext markup language basics
Form Tages usage
Cascade style sheet basics
Javascript basics
Introduction to Webserver (A.TOMCAT)
Introduction to JSP
Advantages of JSP
JSP Directory structure
JSP program running enviornment
A simple JSP program
HTML/JSP program calling another JSP
JSP using RDBMS enviornment
JSP program handling RDBMS
Login program using jdbc cocnept
Session concept in JSP program
Architecture of servlet programs
Servlet life cycle
Request and response handling
Advantages of Servlet
Servlet program running enviornment
A simple servlet program
HTML program calling servlet program
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